Intervention – Hair Transplant within First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics Clinic through the Advanced FUE technique.
Norwood Scale- 4
Evolution from 0 to 9 months
Implanted grafts – 3200
Implanted hairs – 6250
Ratio – 1.96
Technique – Advanced FUE
Clinic– First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics
Patient was having baldness of 4th level at Norwood scale.He wanted to grow frontal hair line.
Before the hair implant:
Before Hair Transplant
During extraction phase grafts were uniformly extracted from donor area. The whole procedure was performed by our surgeon very efficiently & effectively without any scar, bleeding &cut. Patient had good donor area. it was easy for our Doctor & technicians to extract hair grafts. In the first stage grafts with high ratio (3- 4 hairs grafts) were implanted at proper distance, 2 hairs grafts in second stage & one hair graft in 3rd stage respectively.
Patient was very comfortable during the procedure as he was watching TV & listening to songs.
On 3rd day after surgery, patient was able to get back to work & resume his daily activities. First shower was made also on this day.
the 10th day after the hair implant performed in the First Choice Hair Transplant Clinic, the implanted area was fully restored, and the hair
grows at a natural angle and high density.
After 10 days |
At the end of first month around 45% of hair grafts shed old hairs.
After 2 months, around 60% of hairs had grown. In 3rd month patient was given PRP therapy too boost hair growth.
After 2 month |
In the 6th month 75% of hairs have grown, while remaining 25% are to appear in coming months.
After 6 months |
In the 9th months patient got head full of hair. Just check the pictures below.
after 9 Months |
after 9 Months |
Hair Transplant Surgery with advanced FUE is the natural & permanent. First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics is the authorized clinic in Ludhiana to perform thsi technique.
Patient's Comment:
" I don't have words to thank First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics Clinic to completely transforming my looks. I guess, now i would have better bribe as i am going to marry soon. Thanks !!